‘The First Time I Never Met You’ has now been completed!
With the film’s colour grading and sound design finalised, ‘The First Time I Never Met You’ is now compl…
VFX are now complete for 'The First Time I Never Met You'
The team at nineteentwenty have done an amazing job with the VFX for ‘The First Time I Never Met You’… WHAT'S NEXT
Picture Lock on 'The First Time I Never Met You'
With the edit locked, TFTINMY now moves on to the VFX and Colour Grade with NineteenTwenty (London)...
It's a Wrap on 'The First Time I Never Met You' 🎬
The First Time I Never Met You finally wraps on its principal photography, after more than a year since the conclusion of its crowdfunding campaign…
nineteentwenty joins The First Time I Never Met You
London post-production house nineteentwenty has come on board to handle the VFX and Colour Grading for TFTINMY....
Sci-Fi short film is GREENLIT
My sci-fi short film ‘The First Time I Never Met You’ has successfully raised 103% of its £15k production budget…
HOLD nominated for a Limelight Award
Post-Apocalyptic short film 'Hold' (dir. Eric Kole) has been nominated for a Limelight Film Awards in the 'Free Fall' category…